‘The soldiers’ field’. The excavation and identification of communist terror victims buried in the Powązki cemetery in Warsaw, Karolina Wichowska (gdzie za darmo czytać książki .EPUB) 📖

In this story the dark history of the Stalinist period intertwines with the knowledge of the state-of-the-art technology of genetic identification. The scientists’ professionalism contrasts with the emotions of the victims’ families – hope, tension, and painful memories. We go from the excavated section of the Powązki cemetery to the high-tech genetic laboratories in Szczecin and Cracow. We access the memory of the communist prisons, brutal investigations, and fatherless childhood only to look into the future where the research methods developed by the Polish scientists shall become an internationally followed model. All this has one objective: to repay the debt to those who fought for a free and sovereign Poland.
- Autor: Karolina Wichowska
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